The hype with hexagonal water
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Topic of Discussion: The show focuses on the recent hype surrounding hexagonal water, a concept gaining popularity in natural medicine. The guest expert, a health analyst from Spain, discusses the properties, benefits, and production of hexagonal water.
Hexagonal Water Properties: Hexagonal water, identifiable by its unique ring structure of water molecules, was first measurable in 1969. It's characterized by its stability and crystalline-like form, differing from regular water where H2O molecules are unstable. This structure is said to make hexagonal water the healthiest type of water.
Health Claims and Requirements: Claims include that hexagonal water can significantly extend lifespan, as evidenced by people in a high mountain valley in the Himalayas living to around 120 years old on average. For water to be beneficial, it must be pure, both chemically and energetically, free from pollutants and negative information.
Scientific Explanations and Technologies: The discussion includes scientific explanations like the presence of 'active hydrogen' and the importance of the oxidation-reduction potential in water. Technologies like the 'cell tuner' are mentioned, which allegedly can make body fluids hexagonal, improving health and detoxification.
Skepticism and Further Research: The program acknowledges that the topic of hexagonal water is complex and requires further exploration. There's mention of the potential placebo effect and the importance of clean water. The show encourages viewers to research more on the subject for a deeper understanding.
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- KATEGORIE: International
- DATUM: 31.03.2024
- DAUER: 25:46
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